A.S Enterprises

Kochi, Kerala, India|GST 32BVCPS9535G1ZE

A.S Enterprises




Mr Sanal C K


510- E, Eroor North, Eroor P.o, Kochi, Kerala, 682306, India

About A.S Enterprises

Established in 2021 , A.S ENTERPRISES has made a name for itself in the list of top service providers of disposable examination gloves ,suction device in country. A.S ENTERPRISES is listed in Trade India's list of verified companies offering wide array of Signature Medical Examination Gloves are Used to Examine for Medical Purposes ,Non Toxic and Latex Free Signature Multi Color Suction Tips for Hospital etc. Contact here for disposable examination gloves ,suction device in Kochi, Kerala.

Business Type

Service Provider, Supplier, Wholesaler

Employee Count





Annual Turnover

Rs 5 Lakhs

Working Days

Monday to Sunday

Payment Mode

Cash on Delivery (COD)

FAQs : A.S Enterprises

What is the year of Estd. of A.S Enterprises?-
A.S Enterprises was established in 2021.
Who is the Propreiter of A.S Enterprises?+
Mr Sanal C K is the Propreiter of the A.S Enterprises
What are the main products of this company?+
Company deals in saliva ejectors, nitrile gloves, latex gloves etc.
What is the business location of A.S Enterprises?+
A.S Enterprises operates from Kochi.
How many different products are listed for this company?+
Presently more than 10 products are listed among different product categories on Tradeindia.com.
What are the main categories in which the company is mapped?+
The company is mapped in dental disposible suction tips,saliva ejectors,nitrile gloves,latex gloves, etc.

Seller Details


Mr Sanal C K


510- E, Eroor North, Eroor P.o, Kochi, Kerala, 682306, India

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