New Delhi, Delhi, India

Asr Interior


Mr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi


office no- E-7, 2nd Floor, Opposite Andhra Bank, Kalkaji, New Delhi, Delhi, 110019, India

About Asr Interior

Established in 2006 , ASR Interior has made a name for itself in the list of top service providers of hardwood flooring ,epdm rubber flooring ,engineered wood flooring in country. ASR Interior is listed in Trade India's list of verified companies offering wide array of Decorative Hardwood Floorings ,Natural Hard Wood Floorings ,Teakwood Floorings etc. Contact here for hardwood flooring ,epdm rubber flooring ,engineered wood flooring in New Delhi, Delhi.

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Service Provider



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FAQs : Asr Interior

What is the year of Estd. of Asr Interior?-
Asr Interior was established in 2006.
Who is the Manager of Asr Interior?+
Mr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi is the Manager of the Asr Interior
What is the business location of Asr Interior?+
Asr Interior operates from New Delhi.
How many different products are listed for this company?+
Presently more than 10 products are listed among different product categories on Tradeindia.com.

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Seller Details


Mr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi


office no- E-7, 2nd Floor, Opposite Andhra Bank, Kalkaji, New Delhi, Delhi, 110019, India

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