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फॉस्फो टंगस्टिक एसिड

फॉस्फो टंगस्टिक एसिड

प्राइस: 7800 INR

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Minimum Order Quantity : 25 KilogramsBrand Name : KAROLINSKA

घुलनशीलताwater soluble
मेल्टिंग पॉइंट89 °C
ग्रेडExtra Pure,
स्ट्रक्चरल फॉर्मूलाH3PW12O40

विस्‍तृत जानकारी

घुलनशीलताwater soluble
मेल्टिंग पॉइंट89 °C
ग्रेडExtra Pure,
स्ट्रक्चरल फॉर्मूलाH3PW12O40
उपयोगCatalyst In common with the other heteropolyacids phosphotungstic acid is a catalyst and its high acidity and thermal stability make it a catalyst of choice according to some researchers.[13] It is in solution as a homogeneous catalyst, and as a heterogeneous catalyst "supported" on a substrate e.g. alumina, silica. Some acid catalysed reactions include: the homogeneous catalysis of the hydrolysis of propene to give 2-propanol the homogeneous catalysis of the Prins reaction the heterogeneous catalysis of the dehydration of 2-propanol to propene and methanol to hydrocarbons. Dyeing and pigments Phosphotungstic acid has been used to precipitate different types of dyes as "lakes".[14] Examples are basic dyes and triphenylmethane dyes, e.g. pararosaniline derivatives. Histology Phosphotungstic acid is used in histology for staining specimens, as a component of phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin, PTAH, and “trichrome” reagents, and as a negative stain for imaging by a transmission electron microscope. Phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin (PTAH) Mallory described the reagent now generally known as PTAH in 1897.[16] PTAH stains tissues either reddish brown or blue depending on their type. This property of simultaneously staining two different colours is different from other haematoxylin reagents e.g. alum-haematoxylin. The role of phosphotungstic acid and the mechanism of staining is not fully understood. Interestingly the active component of haematoxylin is the oxidised form, haematin, although this rarely acknowledged in the literature which refer to haematoxylin staining. Phosphotungstic acid forms a lake with haematin.[17] The make –up of the reagent is uncertain, examination of a year old sample showed there to be three coloured components, blue, red and yellow.[18] These were not identified. Some investigations of “model” systems, reacting various compounds such as amino acids, purines, pyrimidines and amines with PTAH show that they give rise to different colours. Trichrome reagents In these reagents two or three basic dyes are used with phosphotungstic acid, in either a one step or multi-stage procedure. These reagents colour different tissue types different colours. Again the mechanism of staining is not fully understood. Some explanations include the proposal that phosphotungstic acid acts as a mordant to bind the dye to the tissue[20] or that alternatively it binds to tissue blocking it to dye molecules. Negative staining Adsorption onto tissue or the surface of viruses and its electron density are the bases of phosphotungstic acids action as a negative stain. This electron density arises from the presence of the 12 tungsten atoms which each have an atomic number of 74. The mechanism of the adsorption onto tissue has been proposed as being electrostatic rather than involving hydrogen bonding, as adsorption is not affected by pH. Analysis The potassium salt is only slightly soluble, unlike most other phosphotungstate salts, and has been proposed as a method for the gravimetric analysis of potassium. Precipitation of proteins In a number of analytical procedures one of the roles of phosphotungstic acid is to precipitate out proteins. It has been termed a "universal" precipitant for polar proteins.[23] Further studies showed that no precipitation occurred with α-amino groups but did occur with guanidino, ε-amino and imidazole groups. Medicinal Very little work appears to have been carried out in this area. One example relates to liver necrosis in rats. Composite proton exchange membranes The heteropoly acids, including phosphotungstic acid, are being investigated as materials in composite proton exchange membranes, such as Nafion. The interest lies in the potential of these composite materials in the manufacture of fuel cells as they have improved operating characteristics
स्टोरेजकमरे का तापमान
प्रॉपर्टीज़Phosphotungstic acid can be prepared by the reaction of sodium tungstate, Na2WO4.2H2O, with phosphoric acid, H3PO4, acidified with hydrochloric acid, HCl.[2] Phosphotungstic acid solutions decompose as the pH is increased. A step-wise decomposition has been determined and the approximate compositions at various pH values are as follows:[8] pH principal components 1.0 [PW12O40]3− 2.2 [PW12O40]3−, [P2W21O71]6−, [PW11O39]7− 3.5 [PW12O40]3−, [P2W21O71]6−, [PW11O39]7−, [P2W18O62]6−, [P2W19O67]10− 5.4 [P2W21O71]6−, [PW11O39]7−, [P2W18O62]6− 7.3 [PW9O34]9− 8.3 PO43−, WO42− The species [PW11O39]7− is a lacunary, or defective Keggin ion. The [P2W18O62]6− has a Dawson structure. At pH less than 8, the presence of ethanol or acetone stabilises the anion, [PW12O40]3−, reducing decomposition.[8] Tungstophosphoric acid is thermally stable up to 400 °C, and is more stable than the analogous silicotungstic acid, H4SiW12O40.[9] Large quantities of polar molecules such as pyridine are absorbed into the bulk phase and not simply on the surface. Solid state NMR studies of ethanol absorbed in the bulk phase show that both protonated dimers, ((C2H5OH)2H+) and monomers, (C2H5OH2+) are present. Phosphotungstic acid is less sensitive to reduction than phosphomolybdic acid. Reduction with uric acid or iron(II) sulfate produces a brown coloured compound. the related silicotungstic acid when reduced forms a similar brown compound where one of the four W3 units in the Keggin structure becomes a metal-metal bonded cluster of three edge shared W(IV) octahedra.[10] Phosphotungstic acid is the strongest of heteropolyacids. Its conjugate base is the PW12O403− anion.[11] Its acidity in acetic acid has been investigated and shows that the three protons dissociate independently rather than sequentially, and the acid sites are of the same strength.[12] One estimate of the acidity is that the solid has an acidity stronger than H0 =−13.16,[9] which would qualify the compound as a superacid. This acidic strength means that even at low pH the acid is fully dissociated.
एप्लीकेशन लैब केमिकल्स
कैस नं1343-93-7
आण्विक सूत्रH3PW12O40
प्रॉडक्ट टाइपPowder
भौतिक रूपपाउडर
शेल्फ लाइफ5वर्ष
एच एस कोड2811
आणविक भार2,880.2 g/mol किलोग्राम (kg)
कैस नं12501-34-4
दुसरे नामPhospho Tungstic Acid
नमूना नीतिएक निश्चित मूल्य सीमा के भीतर, मुफ्त नमूने उपलब्ध हैं
डिलीवरी का समय1हफ़्ता
पैकेजिंग का विवरणwith 25 kg drum packing
मुख्य निर्यात बाजारऑस्ट्रेलिया, पूर्वी यूरोप, पश्चिमी यूरोप, मध्य अमेरिका, मिडल ईस्ट, दक्षिण अमेरिका, एशिया, उत्तरी अमेरिका, अफ्रीका
मुख्य घरेलू बाज़ारऑल इंडिया
नमूना उपलब्ध1
एफओबी पोर्टMumbai
भुगतान की शर्तेंचेक, कैश इन एडवांस (CID), कैश ऑन डिलीवरी (COD), कैश अगेंस्ट डिलीवरी (CAD), कैश एडवांस (CA)
आपूर्ति की क्षमता1000प्रति दिन

कंपनी का विवरण

एवंस चेम इंडिया पवत. ल्टड., 2003 में महाराष्ट्र के मुंबई में स्थापित, भारत में अम्ल का टॉप निर्माता,निर्यातक,आपूर्तिकर्ता,उत्पादक है। एवंस चेम इंडिया पवत. ल्टड. ट्रेड इंडिया के सूचीबद्ध उत्पादों के सत्यापित और विश्वसनीय विक्रेताओं में से एक है। आपूर्ति और व्यापार के अपने व्यापक अनुभव के साथ, एवंस चेम इंडिया पवत. ल्टड. ने उच्च गुणवत्ता आदि के साथ बाजार में अपने लिए एक प्रतिष्ठित नाम बनाया है।
ग्राहक केंद्रित दृष्टिकोण पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हुए, एवंस चेम इंडिया पवत. ल्टड. की अखिल भारतीय उपस्थिति है और पूरे देश में एक विशाल उपभोक्ता आधार को पूरा करता है। एवंस चेम इंडिया पवत. ल्टड. से ट्रेड इंडिया के गुणवत्ता-सुनिश्चित उत्पादों () को थोक में खरीदें।

व्यापार के प्रकार

निर्माता, निर्यातक, आपूर्तिकर्ता, उत्पादक

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कैश अगेंस्ट डिलीवरी (सीएडी)

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Evans Chem india Pvt. Ltd.

एवंस चेम इंडिया पवत. ल्टड.

जीएसटी सं



धरा डी. मेहता


४०१ आशिया नरसी चाय १८ स्वस्तिक सौ नार्थ साउथ रद २, वीले पार्ले वेस्ट, मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र, 400056, भारत

गलत विवरण की रिपोर्ट करें

संबंधित उत्पाद

 ऑल ट्रांस रेटिनोइक एसिड स्पेसिफिक ड्रग

ऑल ट्रांस रेटिनोइक एसिड स्पेसिफिक ड्रग

Price - 5200 INR (Approx.)

MOQ - 100000 Piece/Pieces

धीर हैल्थकारे प्राइवेट लिमिटेड

मुंबई, Maharashtra

 एसिटिल सैलिसिलिको एसिड बीपी टैबलेट 81 मिलीग्राम सूखी और ठंडी जगह रखें

एसिटिल सैलिसिलिको एसिड बीपी टैबलेट 81 मिलीग्राम सूखी और ठंडी जगह रखें

Price - 50 INR (Approx.)

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मुंबई, Maharashtra

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मुंबई, Maharashtra

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मुंबई, Maharashtra

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