Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

People Holidays


Mr. Kumar M Maisheri


SHOP NO.14, KAPPEESH MALL, 1ST FLOOR, M.G. ROAD, MULUND WEST, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400080, India

About People Holidays

Established in 2004 , PEOPLE HOLIDAYS has gained immense expertise in offering Worldwide Hotels Reservations, Domestic & International Package Tours, Hotel Reservation World Wide etc. We are located in Mumbai, Maharashtra and providing Worldwide Hotels Reservations, Domestic & International Package Tours, Hotel Reservation World Wide to the clients.

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FAQs : People Holidays

What is the year of Estd. of People Holidays?-
People Holidays was established in 2004.
Who is the Proprietor of People Holidays?+
Mr. Kumar M Maisheri is the Proprietor of the People Holidays
What is the business location of People Holidays?+
People Holidays operates from Mumbai.
How many different products are listed for this company?+
Presently more than 2 products are listed among different product categories on Tradeindia.com.

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Seller Details


Mr. Kumar M Maisheri


SHOP NO.14, KAPPEESH MALL, 1ST FLOOR, M.G. ROAD, MULUND WEST, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400080, India

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