Stable and dynamic work, professionalism of staff, warranty of production quality, mobility in execution of order let TERMOLIT LLC to occupy one of the leading position not only on domestic, but international market also, have built up solid reputation as a reliable supplier.
TERMOLIT LLC presents to market a range of equipment for induction heating and metal melting. At present enterprise serially produces the following types of induction equipment:
induction coreless melting electric furnaces of ICMEF type of capacity from 10 kg to 3000 kg
thyristor frequency converters of TFC type from 100 to 2000 kilowatt with frequencies 0,5 kHz, 1 kHz, 2,4 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz
induction heating and hardening units with capacity from 50 to 2000 kilowatt with frequencies 0,5 kHz, 1 kHz, 2,4 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 10 kHz, 22 kHz
high-frequency transistor generators of HFTG type with capacity from 2,5 to 250 kilowatt with frequencies 2,4-10 kHz, 22 kHz, 44 kHz, 66 kHz, 440 kHz
Personnel of the enterprise has many years experience in the field of induction heating, which ensures the highest level of quality of the equipment and the high level of service. Our specialists constantly monitor market trends and are always responsive to the needs and wishes of customers. The complexity of technical equipment makes it possible to satisfy the diverse needs of the customer to create a complex of high-quality equipment that will fully meet the specified performance and provide the desired level of performance.
TERMOLIT LLC is distinguished with:
competitive price and confidential relations with clients;
minimal terms of order performance;
high quality of produced equipment;
possibility to develop qualitatively and in a short time new types of induction
equipment according to the Customers order;
long-term operation life of equipment.