Owing to our ethical business practices and transparent policies, we have been able to become one of the reputed exporters and suppliers of Cell Counter. These instruments are highly demanded in various medical laboratories for testing blood samples. Our diligent procuring agents obtain the instrument from the most reliable and authentic vendors of the market. We offer our Cell Counter at the market leading prices to the clients. Features: Noise free operation Easy to use Maintenance free Cell Counter Overview Impedance technology, photometry Microsampling: only 10 l Smart card based memory storage (optional) No compressor (stepper motor technology) FeaturesABX micros 60 Measurement methods: impedance technology, photometry. Liquid valves (without pinching): reliability and increased precision No compressor (stepper motor): reliability, less maintenance and noise Specifications Technical Weight: 31 lbs Power supply: 90/240 v - 50/60 hz - 230 va. Dimensions: 16. 5 in x 14 x 12. 5 in (hxwxd). Printer: Dot matrix. Throughout 60 samples/hour (on open tube) 55 samples/hour (closed tube) Data management Automated smart cards used for QC and patient data storage (optional). Rs 232 output. Mono-directional connection. Memory Last result (with curves) or 78 results (optional smart cards based memory) Screen 2 lines of 40 alphanumerical characters. Keyboard Barcode reader (optional). Samples 60 samples/hour (open tube) Parameters (16+2) CBC mode (18 parameters): WBC, RBC, HQC, HTC, MCV*RDW, MCH, MCHC, PLF, MPV, PCT, *PWD, % and # of LYM, MON and GRA Graphics LMG histogram, RBC, PLT histograms Sample-volume CBC mode : 10 UL Stability 24 hours (CBC) Operating sample mode Open tube mode with 4 position tube holder (qc, 125 or 500 l, 3 or 5 ml) Identification Patient i. D. , sequence# Flags Pathological flags (wbc, rbc, and plt) normal limits and counting failure flags RPUruo (research use only) Results parameters Presicion (cv %) Linearity wbc rbc hgb hct plt (whole blood) plt (plt concentrate) < 2,5% < 2% < 1. 5% < 2% < 5% < 5% 0-100 x 10/mm3 0-8 x 106/mm3 0-26 g/dl 0-80% 0-2200 x 10/mm3 0-4000 x 10/mm3