Due to their inherent structure, coconut carbon from coconut shells is particularly excellent for trapping all harmful elements, as the small pores are similar to the size of the contaminant molecules present within the drinking water. On the other hand, wood activated carbon comprises of macro-pores, which are suitable for trapping bigger molecules, as opposed to the smaller molecules of drinking water. With their tight structure and high resistance to attrition, coconut shell based charcoal is seen as a particularly practical and useful tool for purifying water. Following are the benefits associated with using coconut carbon filters for purifying water:
It is a renewable source of carbon.
A coconut tree grows throughout the year and is harvested at least 3-4 times a year.
A coconut tree can be preserved for several years.
It improves the taste of drinking water
It improves the appearance of water.
It removes halogens from the water.
It adsorbs any herbicides or pesticides present in the water.
It adsorbs any VOCs, e.g., formaldehyde, tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride.
With it being a relatively cheaper, easier to source and convenient source of producing activated carbon, coconut shells are highly valuable and useful when looking to get a water purification system for your home or your community. Through using a coconut shell charcoal filter, the PH level of the water also improves, as groundwater is slightly acidic. Moreover, the importance of consuming clean water is directly proportional to preventing diseases, thus the importance of filtering water has become a major cause of concern.
Either in a powdered or block form, industries across the whole globe make use of activated carbon filters to gain access to clean water. Be it the food industry, the pharmaceutical, the automobile, the smelting, or the wastewater treatment industry, each of them relies on using activated carbon for adsorbing contaminants. Hence, through their high porosity and large surface area, coconut shells based activated carbon is the most efficient in organic chemical adsorption, when compared to other types of activated carbons.
An Ecological Route for Water Purification
The world, as we know, is fast running out of its resources, as wea re overly dependent on fossil-fuels and are exhausting our resources, for the various industries wea re building and setting up across the world.
Pursuing this endeavor, you can opt for an ecologically-viable solution for your water purification system, through using coconut shell based activated charcoal. Not only is this a sustainable and universally-compatible option with no zero impact, but it is also highly effective in carrying out its filtration, with you seeing instant results, through the improved taste of water, improved visual clarity, and no odor present within the water. That said, get one for yourself to start using water that isna t chemically treated.