Coromida 17-8 SL:Imidacloprid belongs to a new group of active ingredients. It shows a low toxicity, excellent systemic properties and a considerable residual activity. Imidacloprid is a highly demanded insecticides at global level to control sucking pests including termite.Moreover, Imidacloprid is the first commercial neonicotinoids developed for controlling insect pests infesting agricultural crops. It is also called chlorinicotinyl insecticide. Imidacloprid is a very important agent for controlling insect pests infesting agricultural crops. It is also called chloronicotinyl insecticide. Imidacloprid is a very important agent for controlling aphid, whitefly, leafhopper etc. It is considered a relatively polar material with good xylem mobility and hence it is suitable for seed treatment and soil application. Trade NameCoromidaCommon NameImidaclopridCompatibility Imidacloprid is compatible with conventional insecticides.Totoxicity oral (LD50) = 450 Dermal (LD50) = 5000 Characteristics On account of the new mechanism of action, Imidacloprid is effective against strains of pests which are resistance to conventional Insecticides.Due to excellent systemic activity and the relatively low rate of application, this product can be used for foliar and soil treatment.Imidacloprid has a broad spectrum of activity, particularly against sucking pests, various pests various species of beetles and leaf miners are effectively controlled. Based on the field trials in numerous crops, Imidacloprid showed excellent plant compatibility. Imidacloprid is not expected to impair the soil microflora when being used as recommended. Recommendations for use:The recommended doses are as follows : Crop Pest Rate or concentration of active ingredient (Foliar treatment) Cereals Aphididae (aphids/virus vectors) 75 - 125 g/ha Lema spp. (cereal leaf beetles) 100 - 125 g/ha Citrus Aleurodidae (whiteflies) 0.01 - 0.025% Aphididae (aphids) 0.0075 - 0.01% Coccoidea (scales) 0.02 - 0.025% Phyllocnistis citrella (citrus leaf miner) 0.01 - 0.015% Thysanoptera (thrips) 0.01 - 0.015% Cotton Aphididae (aphids) 50 - 100g/ha Besmisia tabaci (whitefly) 250 - 350g/ha Bucculatrix thurberiella (cotton leaf perforator) 75 - 200g/ha Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) 75 - 150g/ha Thysanoptera (thrips) 75 - 200g/ha Fodder legumes Aphididae (aphids) 125 - 250g/ha Hops Aphididae (aphids) 0.005 - 0.0075% Maize and sorghum Agriotes spp. (wireworms) Aphididae (aphids) 100 - 150g/ha Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) Coptotermes spp. (termites) Diabrotica spp. Oscindella frit (frit fly) Thysanoptera (thrips) 200 - 250 g/ha Potatoes Agriotes spp. (woreworms) Aphididae (aphids, virus vectors) 50 - 100g/ha Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) 50 - 100g/ha Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle) 50 - 100 g/ha Rice Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) 25 - 50g/ha Lema oryzae (rice leaf beetle) 75 - 100g/ha Oebalus spp. (rice stink bugs) 150 - 200g/ha Soyabeans Aphidiadae (aphids) 100 - 200 g/ha Heteroptera (true bugs) 150 - 200 g/ha Sugar beets andfodder beets Agriotes spp. (wireworms) Aphididae (aphids, virus vectors) Atomaria Linearis (pigmy mangold beetle) 125 - 250 g/ha Pegomyia hyoscyami (beet leaf miner) Sunflowers Agriotes spp. (wireworms) Aphididae (aphids) 100 - 200 g/ha Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) 100 - 200 g/ha Tobacco Aphididae (aphids) 50 - 100 g/ha Bemisia tabaci (whitefly) 250 g/ha Vegetables Aleurodidae (whiteflies) 0.01 - 0.025% Aphididae (aphids) 0.005 - 0.01% Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) 0.005 - 0.01% Hylemyia antiqua (onion fly) Thysanoptera (thrips) 0.01 - 0.025% Phytotoxicity: Coromida is not phytotoxic when used in recommended dosage.