Product Overview
Key Features
Customized Single Board Computer A Customized Single Board Computer is an off-the-shelf embedded platform that consists of a Computer on Module (COM) and a carrier board. Customized SBCs offer customers the benefits of using an off-the-shelf platform, while also offering the option to customize their design based on size, I/O and configuration requirements.The platform enables easy scalability, as Toradex Computer on Modules (COM) are pin-compatible. Migrating to a new COM with advanced performance is as easy as plug-and-play. Overall, a Customized SBC helps customers accelerate their time-to-market without compromising on development cost and risk.Toradex offers a variety of Customized Single Board Computers (SBCs) at different price points, performance, interfaces, and size. You can create a Customized SBC based on your requirements, by combining an off-the-shelf SOM and a compatible carrier board.For example:Colibri VF50 + Viola Carrier BoardApalis T30 + Ixora Carrier Board Apalis iMX6 + Ixora Carrier BoardColibri T20 + Iris Carrier Board
At Toradex, we help OEMs and system designers to build great products cost-effectively. We endeavor to reduce your development time, cost and risk to as minimum as low as possible by offering reliable off-the-shelf embedded computing platforms: System on Modules, Arm Base Boards, Embedded Development Kit, Customized Single Board Computer (SBC), along with a matured software ecosystem and extensive technical support.
Apart from choosing the right Computer on Module (CoM) / System on Module (SoM) meeting your technical and budget requirements, it is equally vital to choose the right CoM partner for your products success. OEMs should consider multiple factors such as technical support, product availability, supply-chain, product maintenance, etc. while selecting CoM partners.
Toradex stands out in the embedded computing market with long-term product availability (with an average life cycle of more than 10 years), competitive transparent pricing with direct online sales, and free lifetime product maintenance. We offer the following benefits to our customers: