Dextrose Monohydratedextrose monohydrate is a white or creamy white powder that can be crystallized. It is a key derivative of starch and finds diverse applications in the market.dextrose monohydrate is produced commercially by the hydrolysis of starch and the enzymatic process. In the food industry, it is used to control sucrose crystallization, body appearance and osmotic pressure.It is a white crystalline powder that is free from visible specks and added colors and is odorless. ApplicationsConfectionery industry: Widely used in confectionery in marmalades and jellies.Soft Drink industry: dextrose monohydrate is used as sweetening agent and aroma enhancer in beer productions.Bakery industry: dextrose monohydrate is also used in crisp bread to improve crispness, color and flavor.Pharmaceutical industry: dextrose monohydrate is also used in the manufacture of antibiotics like penicillin, ampicillin and also used in the manufacture of sorbitol, calcium gluconate etc.Industrial Applications: Dextrose syrups and powders are extensively used in a number of industrial applications namely adhesive building materials, chemicals manufacture, fermentation, and leather.PackingIn keeping with industry standards,dextrose monohydrate is packed in High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) bags of 50 kgs capacity.Alternatively, dextrose monohydrateis also available in 25 kg paper bags or HDPE Bags for special purposes like export.StorageStore in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and moisture.