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Digital Clock - 16-inch Led/segment Display | Customizable Alarm, Chime, Dimmer, Stopwatch & Countdown Timer Features

Digital Clock - 16-inch Led/segment Display | Customizable Alarm, Chime, Dimmer, Stopwatch & Countdown Timer Features


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Product Overview

Key Features

Digital Clock
1] Display of Hour, Minute [& Seconds].
2] Digit size can be made from ^a to 16a .
3] Digit type can be L.E.D. [bulb/dot] or Segment [tube/fnd] types.
4] Once a day Alarm, whose duration can be set from 1 minute to 9 minutes or 1 hour.
5] 1 second Chime, every 1/2/3/5/15/30/60 minutes. 15/30/60 minute chime may be used for regular home / office purpose. 1 minute chime is for yoga, and certain industrial processes such as film development, laboratoy procedures, etc. 3 minute chime is very useful to time your telephone calls, etc. The chime goes on for 1 second only and the type of sound can be selected from any of the 8 types available. The chime is automatically disabled from 10 pm to 7 am, to avoid disturbance at night. Yoga chime is available for all 24 hours.
6] Dimmer facility enables the clocka s brightness to be controlled in 9 levels. An automatic dimming provision reduces the brightness to minimum from 10 pm to 7 am. This enables longer display life, while reducing electric power consumption.
7] Battery Backup lasting 5 years is provided. All settings are retained in memory.
8] Stop Watch with a resolution of 1/100 second and capable of measuring a maximum of 100 hours. [Only in certain models].
9] Countdown Timer with a setting facility of any value between 1 second to 100 hours. A one minute chime occurs at the end of the set timer duration. [Only in certain models].

Company Details

RAMESH ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS, Established in 1962 at Mumbai in Maharashtra, is a leading Exporter,Supplier,Trading Company of Watches & Clocks in India. RAMESH ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS is one of Trade India's verified and trusted sellers of listed products. With extensive experience in supplying and trading Digital Clock, RAMESH ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS has made a reputed name for itself in the market with high-quality Digital Clock, etc.
Focusing on a customer-centric approach, RAMESH ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS has a pan-India presence and caters to a huge consumer base throughout the country. Buy Watches & Clocks in bulk from RAMESH ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS at Trade India quality-assured products.

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Exporter, Supplier, Trading Company

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Mr. Viraj Ramesh Pandya


329, Opp. Lamington Road, Near Police Station Grant Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400007, India

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Product Type

House Wires


Polyvinyl Chloride

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Carton Box

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Cash Against Delivery (CAD)

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4 Days

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