Banking upon the vast experience of our accredited experts and their market understanding, we have ranked ourselves as a trusted Exporter, Manufacturer and Supplier of Electrical Standard Capsule Slip Ring. This is manufactured keeping in mind the variegated parameters of the domain using latest technology and checked raw materials. Therefore, our offered Electrical Standard Capsule Slip Ring is massively in demand. In addition to this, other details such as features, application, etc., are as follows: SC slip ring capsule is a standard,off-the-shelf unit that uses gold contacts at the rotary interface. Color-coded lead wires are used on both the stator and rotor to distinguish, with double contacts & double precision roller bearings It utilizes 90V-groove rings to provide smoother running, lower torque and lower electrical noise. Flame-retardant plastic shell,6, 12, and 24 circuit models for Power and /or signal. Feature: Compact miniature design, small size, fit for harsh space; Double precision roller bearings for lower torque & long life; Signal and power can be combined to deliver in same slip ring; More installation flanges for option. Application: CCTV monitoring system; Medical equipment; Robots; Laboratory equipment. Option: Higher speed ; Metal shell; Available connector and Heat-shrink tube; Length of lead wires can be customized. Channels 1~6 Ways Voltage 240V AC/DC Current Rating 2A/Ring Speed 300PRM Insulation Resistance 1000M@500VDC Dielectric Strength AC250V@60Hz, 60S Electrical Nosie 60 milliohms MAX @ 5~10 rpm,50milliamps,6V DC Lead Size/Type AWG28 Sliver plated coppe,Type ET PTFE Lead Lengths 250mm Operate Temp -20+80 Storage Temp -30+90