Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer MachineAmbica Boiler & Fabricator has developed world class ETO Sterilizer with higher quality used in Pharmaceutical Industry. Ethylene oxide or ETO Sterilizer is used in sterilization of items that are heat and moisture sensitive. ETO Sterilizer is well-defined as Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer which utilizes ethylene oxide at the similar time as a biocide to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungus and other unwanted organisms. E.T.O Sterilizer contains of a fully packed chamber frequently dual jacketed, corrosion conflict and gas resistant of appropriate composite generally of mild steel. At Krishna Engineering, ETO Sterilizer will be in great structure using plates of suitable thickness which avoids buckling under vacuum due to density. Ambica Boiler & Fabricatoris a foremost Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer which is a chemical process consisting of four major variables like:- Humidity Gas Concentration TimeTemperature APPLICATIONS OF ETHYLENE OXIDE STERILIZERS In hydration plants where (onion powder, onion flakes, garlic powder, garlic flakes.Products are manufactured and exported.In plywood industries where ply woods are sterilized against white ants and residual bacteria.In food industries where various seeds like sesame seeds are sterilized and exported. Wheat flour, grains, all types of spices etc.In pharmaceutical products, hospitals, Used in industries where all the food products are exported.IV Sets, IV Catheters, cannula, Syringes, Urine bags, blood bags. ETO Sterilizer : We are manufacturers & Exporter of ETO Sterilization, Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers, ETO Sterilzation Equipment, Pharmaceutical ETO Sterilizers, Medical Sterilizers Suppliers, ETO Sterilizers, ETO Sterilizer, Stem Sterilizer, E.T.O. Sterilizer and E.T.O. Sterilization in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Rajkot, Kolkata, Pune, India. Products ETO Sterilizer MachineChemical Machinery & EquipmentPharmaceutical EquipmentPaint MachineryResin Manufacturing Plant & MachineryEthylene Oxide SterilizerETO Sterilizer for HospitalCath lab ETo SterilizerHorizontal AutoclaveCylindrical AutoclavePvc Solvent Cement Adhesive MachineEto Sterilizer Exporter in India Reaction Vessel Exporter in IndiaTags ETO Sterilizer Machine ETO Sterilizer for Hospital Cylindrical Autoclave Horizontal Autoclave Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer Cath lab ETo Sterilizer Eto Sterilizer Exporter in India Tags Tag: ETO Sterilizer Machine, Ethylene oxide Sterilizer, Eto gas sterilizer Machine, EO gas sterilizer Machine, eto sterilizer control system, Ambica Boiler & Fabricator 2013.All Rights Reserved. stay connected Quick Links ETO Sterilizer MachineEthylene Oxide SterilizerETO Sterilizer for HospitalCath lab ETo SterilizerHorizontal AutoclaveCylindrical AutoclaveEto Sterilizer Exporter in India Reaction Vessel Exporter in India Contact Information Email: Home | About | Product | Contact