COMPOSITION : ALOE VERA- 10%(w/w) VITAMIN E ACETATE - 0.5%(w/v) ACTION AND USE : Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel is obtained from the leaves of Aloe Vera (A. barbadensis), once all the sap has drained away. It is widely used in cosmetics for a moisturising and revitalizing action. Thus aloe is widely used throughtout the world as a complete therapy for dry skin, dermatitis, hyperpigmentation resulting from chronic exposure to irritants, allergens, environmental, changes, ageing, stress, hormonal changes or from skin conditions like a) Psoriasis b) Atopic dermatitis, c) Eczema d) Xeroderma e) Ichthyosis etc. It accelerates wound healing, protects skin from damage due to UV radiation. Also used to remove scar marks and as an adjuvant therapy with topical corticosteroids and retinoids. Vitamine E : Alpha- tocopherol, an essentital nutrient for humans prevents oxidative damage of lipids (present in the skin to protect it as sebum) and an essential component to cell membrance and cell stability. So, there are wide use of Vitamin E topically to prevent skin damage from outer environment and to keep the skin healthy and moist. INDICATION : Evera cream or Lotion indicated as a complete therapy for Dry skin/ Dermatitis, Hyperpigmentation resulting from chronic exposure to irritants, allergens, environmental changes, ageing, stress, hormonal changes or from skin conditions like (a)Psoriasis (b)Atopic Dermatitis (c)Eczema (d)Xeroderma (e) Ichtyosis. Adjurent Therapy with potent corticosteroids & Retinoids Accelerates wound healing Protects the skin from damage due to UV radiation post Acne Scars, post pimple scars. PRESENTATION : 100 ml. Phial