Fan Built in Electrode Steam Humidifiers Model Number FASPH-383 In an effort to enhance the direct humidifying efficiency, functions of free-stand humidifier and fan unit have been combined into this product of fan-built-in humidifier. Connection of external humidifier power source and control power source makes it possible to install this product in a separate position. Therefore, this product will work to direct effects in a place where no air conditioning facilities exist (clinics, office, factory, public facilities, computer room, agricultural facilities, houses, places of much dirts) Features of humidifier Easy installation Installations of water supply and drainage piping together with power source connection make it possible with swift installation of this product Compact Size Not necessary with the existing distributor and its installation can be done in a smaller space than the case where the installation of separate fan is required High efficiency Built-in fan spreads steams out making high efficiency Low cost Not necessary to buy fan unit separately, lowering cost and expense of product and installation. Low noise Low noise fan is built in for the sake o f quietness in the place Principles of humidifier's working The electrode rod inside the cylinder humidifier evaporates waters by means of power energy in waterMicro processor controls the humidifier's works. Micro processor controls humidifying magnetic, water valve and drainage valve referring to the current value between the electrodes in the cylinder and the settings of Full Load CurrentInput of power supply and humidifying signal into controller activates humidifying magnetic, and in three seconds thereafter water supply starts while the status of power supply displays by lamp. Water supply continues until the device's load reaches to 105% of the full load current or the water level sensor activates.If by the evaporation after the water supply stoppage the measured current falls below 95% of the full load current, the water supply will resumeWhen the concentrated density(accumulated foreign matters) of water in the cylinder needs to be diluted, do with drainage at discretion. (as to automatic drainage, refer to algorithm)If the water supply controller stays open for a certain time, it makes an alarm and stops workingIf over-current occu5rs continually more than five times, the humidifying magnetic and water supply valve stop and make out the alarmEnforced drainage, as may be needed to check with the humidifier or working condition of drainage pump, will be activated by "DRAIN " switch. The "DRAIN" switch-on stops the water supply valve and humidifying magnetic, and activates the drainage pumpSuch repetitions of supply-drainage cycles make the maximized humidifying effects Model Capacity Cylinder Inpu A B C Steam outlet FASPH-241 4kg/h Cylinder X 1 3.0KW 377 251 755 119X61 FASPH-241 4kg/h Cylinder X 1 3.0KW 377 251 755 119X61 FASPH-241 8kg/h Cylinder X 1 6.0KW 377 251 755 119X61 FASPH-241 15kg/h Cylinder X 1 11.0KW 431 307 863.5 235X76.5