GOKUL TONIC (THE MILK PRODUCER) Commonly available cattle feed supplements mainly provide Calcium along with low quantity of Magnesium. For increasing milk production and quality of milk only Calcium and Magnesium are not sufficient. It can not provide sustainable results. For getting sustainable and best result The GBPL launches GOKUL TONIC. With the help of AV technology GBPL has been launching a most value added Health Tonic GOKUL TONIC for better all round healthy growth of Cattles which provides each and every type of essential nutrients to the Cattles for progressive compatibility and milking improvement. In comparison of commonly available cattle feed supplements, GOKUL TONIC provides Phosphorous, Potash, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin D3, Lactic Acid and Glucose along with Calcium and Magnesium. All above elements together make a unique combination of all essential elements and energy (Glucose). All above essential elements play very important role and increase milk production and quality of milk. In addition, they are also play a key role in production of various types of enzyme, peptidases and proteins which are responsible for over all growth of cattle. At the same time GOKUL TONIC provides energy (Lactate and Gluconate both are purest form of Glucose) to cattle, by this it increases efficacy level of cattle. After regular use of GOKUL TONIC as a health tonic for Cattles, it shows instant result like, 1. It helps in increasing of 15% to 20% or more in Milk production. 2. The Fat content increases in the Milk. 3. It helps to increase Milk Protein yield. 4. It helps to increase the Lactation period. 5. It improves the digestive system and feed utilization. 6. It prevents the rapid growth and multiplications of enteropathogenic bacteria and helps in growth and colonization of the common salts in the GUT. 7. It prevents Calcium deficiencies and milk fever in pregnant stage. 8. It gives more resistant power to bodies to prevent any type of contagious diseases. 9. It improves skeletal and all round growth to improve re-pregnant capacity. 10. It helps to fight against more heat, cold and stress condition. DOSES & APPLICATION MATHOD- 100ml Gokul Tonic per cattle on every alternate day. Mix 100 ml Gokul Tonic with normal feed or with normal water and fed your cattle.