H2O2 With Silver Nitrate FeaturesUniversal Disinfectant it kills everything. Environmentally friendly The breakdown products are water and oxygen. Stability H2O2 With Silver Nitrate will remain in the water until it meets an organic or microbiological challenge. It is stable at Calorifer temperatures. Combats Biofilm removes and destroys the adhesive film where pathogens hide. easy to handle dilute solutons (less than 6% H2O2 With Silver Nitrate) need no special handling precautions. Ideal for Constant Dosing applications. Cost Efficient H2O2 With Silver Nitrate's stability and eco friendliness can save time and chemicals. Fullty effective in salt water, fresh water and on surfaces. Only minimally affected by water contaminants e.g. organics and ammonia. Non-carcinogenic and Non-mutagenic. Causes no irritation to skin or eyes No alteration to taste of food/ substances. H2O2 With Silver Nitrate is Non-pollutant and bio-degradable. H2O2 With Silver Nitrate is Non Staining, Non inflammable & Odour free. Germicidal Effects H2O2 With Silver Nitrate is a true no gap disinfectant. It is effective against all bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi without exception. It is highly effective against gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, pathogens like Legionella, E-Coli and Salmonella, all virus groups, sheathed or unsheathed. It is effective against yeasts, spores and moulds. H2O2 With Silver Nitrate is effective against biofilms the adhesive ecosystem, which attaches itself to pipe and vessel walls. H2O2 With Silver Nitrate can be applied as a surface disinfectant and as a biocode in a water system. It is generally applied at a concentration of 5% as a surface disinfectant to clean surfaces, and at a concentration of 5%-7% to dirty surfaces. The exact concentration will depend on application. H2O2 With Silver Nitrate is applied to water systems as a biocide at a concentration of 150-350 ppm for disinfection. H2O2 With Silver Nitrate can be used at a concentraton of up to 50 ppm (generally 30 ppm) in aquaculture situations where there is a risk of fungal or bacterial attack on fish. Chemical & Technical Properties of H2O2 With Silver Nitrate Form - Liquid Appearance- Clear Colourless Odour & Taste- Odourless & Tasteless Solubility in Water miscible(solubility in water & air completely) Colour Clear as Water Characteristics of Foaming and Coating No Foam & Coating Formation Ratio of Mixture Miscible in any Ratio with water as required Shelf Life 1 year Dosage Recommendation is based on Following Factors Initial Bacterial Count Contact Time Ph Value of the Liquid Temperature Material and nature of the Surface to be Disinfected Thoroughness of Cleaning Presense of organic matter Tested and Proven Effective against Escherichia Coli(E.Coli) Salmonella Typhi Klebsiella Aerogenes Shigella Flexneri Staphylococcus Aureus Enterococcus Faecalis Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Coliforms Yeast & Moulds Candida Albicans and many more... Applications Pharmaceutical Industries Hospitals Packaged Drinking Water Dairy Food Processing Poultry Farms Agriculture Cooling Towers Hotels & Restaurants Swimming Pool-SPA-Sauna Bottling Section Breweries