Product Overview
Key Features
We are Making, Exporting and Supplying High Grade Stable Anodes Cables in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Dimensionally Stable Anodes (DSA) Normally, Electrodes (Anodes) consist of a basic component, which is responsible for mechanical stability and uniform current distribution. As Titanium has all these characteristics, insoluble electrodes are manufactured with titanium as basic component. The excellent stability of mixed metal oxide (MMO) coated titanium anodes have been used for almost 30 years. MMO coated titanium anodes are used in various environments such as seawater, brackish water, fresh water, carbon backfill, and concrete. However, many structure owners and CP engineers use MMO coated titanium anodes only specify the sizes without understanding the characteristics, limitations and evaluation method of the anodes. There are many different size and shapes are available, wire, ribbon, mesh, expanded mesh, rod, tubular, disc, probe etc.
HCT provides cathodic protection as well as many other means of corrosion solutions to the industries, mainly oil & gas, utility, power and other major infrastructures; serving extensively in design, installation, monitoring and maintenance of cathodic protection systems for onshore & offshore metallic structures in corrosive environment. Our innovative cathodic protection products are system friendly to the designer, user and the installer, due to their simplicity, reliability and cost effectiveness.
Our staff has collective experience over 40 years, professionally qualified and certified from NACE International, Huston TX, as well as from other international societies. Presently we have NACE certified CP Level 2, CP Level 3 (CP Technologist), CP Level 4 (CP Specialist), NACE Sr. Corrosion Technologist, NACE Internal Corrosion Technologist & certified NDT/Coating Inspector to face the 21st century corrosion challenges in the best professional manner.
With variety of products, we offer full range of services to meet project requirements, from initial advice and support to full turnkey systems. Our services are.........
i Feasibility and economic studies
i CP Surveys (CIPL / CAT / DCVG / ACVG etc.)
i Consultancy and specialist advice
i CP System Audit & Healthiness Check
i Internal Co:rrosion Monitoring
i Pre Design Survey, Design & Engineering
i Project management
i Existing CP System Survey/Investigation
i Maintenance and monitoring AMC.
i Rehabilitation of existing CP System
i Installation supervision with system commissioning.
i Training, including NACE (CP1, 2 & 3) preparatory course.
i Cathodic Protection Material Supply
i Survey & Investigation
We are actively engaged in controlling corrosion mainly by Cathodic Protection through a comprehensive design and project management services for projects that are typicallya a a
i Pipelines - oil, gas, product, water etc.
i Plant Facility a Power, desalination, refinery, petrochemical etc.
i Storage Tanks - Above Ground & Underground
i Well casings - Onshore & Offshore
i Concrete CP - bridges, buildings, pipelines, marine structures etc.
i Sea/river water intake/Outfall system including concrete structures
i Sheet and cylindrical piling - land and marine
i Internal - Tank, vessels, pipeline etc.
i Ships (hull and sea chest/internal pipe work)
i Marine structures a Docks, piers, jetties, wharves etc.
i City Gas piping CP System