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About Us
We offers better operational solutions for the world of food ingredients evolved out of a decades active partnership with the international market. Located in Mumbai, the financial capital of India from where the world enjoys the flavor and aroma coupled with the unique taste and health values to join with their own preparations, we are specialists in identifying proper sources of raw materials which can produce the most appropriate ingredient of essential qualities and consistency and bring in the most value added form suitable for every application.
We excel others in value addition of spices to produce the most appropriate ingredient for products of food, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmetics. We are exporters of spices and their value added products from India, catering the requirements worldwide. Our state-of-the art processing facility having international certifications and the technological skill derived out of continuous strenuous efforts with uncompromising attitudes are capable enough to meet any stringent specifications of our clients with commitments in quality, quantity and time.
Vision- Our Passion
We aim to remain trading partners of the world entrepreneurs to reap success.
Our passion is to interact with the global trade to exchange innovative ideas and offer sharing our strengths to create better ingredients. We intend to emerge as a destination of the world to play a major role in developing new end products providing complete and safe solutions.
Mission- With Passion
Adopt state-of-the-art technology with an Eco-friendly Environment.
Contribute for high quality of product and services for the betterment of society
Support research & development initiatives.
Create motivated and committed team to serve unconditionally.
Remain ethical, professional and dependable all through.
Procurement- responsibility in supply
Our procurement strategies are based on scientific observation of the environment, methods of cultivation, pre and post harvest operations. We also support development of agriculture communities for the efficient use of precious resources. It is also fundamental that we identify, and mitigate, potential risks to their continued and sustainable supply.
We have a strong team to source right raw material for specific end use.
Innovation & Development - Developing sustainable practices
We actively involved in research & development activities to meet the challenges of ever changing preferences of the world trading. Initiate better methods and procedures to come out with new and innovative products ensuring quality, consistency and life for varied applications.
OUR R&D is always alert.