Being a trusted homeopathy center of Gujarat, we are engaged in offering Homeopathic Constipation Treatment. We provide the patients' best homeopathic treatment from the experienced doctors. This treatment helps the patients to get relief from the painful evacuation of feces, hard stools and uneasy sensation of stool by making the excretion system work smoothly. The effective medicines and prescribed food habits also make the process easier. Our Homeopathic Constipation Treatment is available for the patients at a nominal price. Features: Zero adverse effects Eliminate the root cause Positive result of the medicines CONSTIPATION Difficulty in passing or passing too infrequently (once in 2 or 3 days) of stools, which may be hard or eve soft is called constipation. Sometimes there is a lack of urge, an ineffectual urge or a sensation of incomplete stools.Broadly all these can also be termed as constipationCAUSES Modern lifestyle (commonest cause nowadays) of not eating enough and drinking less water. Not getting enough exercise. Emotional and psychological problems and eating too much of meat or dairy products. Chronic abuse of laxatives. Bottle fed babies. Pregnancy. Certain drugs like antacids, iron, calcium, blood pressure medications. Certain digestive tract disease. Certain school going children because they are shy to tell the teacher ,which later develops into a habit of ignoring the urge.SYMPTOMS Stools (every 2 or 3 days). Difficulty in expelling feces from rectum. Painful evacuation of feces. Hard stools. Blood in stools-suggest fissure, fistula, piles.