The contents on this website is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions about a medical problem, please consult a physician or other authorized health expert. Do not dismiss or postpone getting competent medical advice because of something you read on this website.
Ever since our inception in the year 2004, we at Puyang Ruidaxu Materials Company Ltd. have been fulfilling the vast needs of the market for products such as Copolymer Powder, PP Fiber, PVA Fiber, Fiber Glass Mesh, Fiber Glass Felt, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose and Calcium Formate. Within a few years of the initiation of our operations as a manufacturer, supplier, and exporter, we have gained a profound market reputation for all our products. Over the years of our existence, we have earned a loyal customer base in the market that keeps on returning to us for our products. We know the application areas of our products and where they can cause harms, and hence we make sure that each one of them is of the most prolific quality. To serve a quality assured range, we have made investments on facilities of production, quality evaluation and research. We have fo