Product Overview
Key Features
We are Making and Exporting Instantly Ageless Anti-Wrinkle Cream in Luoyang, Henan, China. Instantly Ageless is a powerful anti-wrinkle cream that works quickly and effectively to diminish the visible signs of aging.
Instantly Ageless immediately tightens and smooths the skina s appearance, effectively reducing the look of under-eye bags, fine lines, wrinkles and enlarged pores. Infused with high-tech ingredients, this velvety cream reveals visibly toned skin in just two minutes! This revolutionary eye-reviver delivers amazing, youthful results that last up to nine hours.
The contents on this website is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions about a medical problem, please consult a physician or other authorized health expert. Do not dismiss or postpone getting competent medical advice because of something you read on this website.
Our collective mission is toA change peoplea s livesA while making Jeunesse a household, world-renowned brand.
Jeunesse began in the hearts and minds of visionaries Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis.
Having achieved tremendous success in other enterprises, Randy and Wendy emerged from retirement to launch Jeunesse onA September 09, 2009 at 9:00 p.m.A The number 9, which represents longevity, reflected the foundersa desire to not only survive, but thrive.
Eager to share their revolutionary youth enhancement products with the world, Randy and Wendy set out to create one of the most rewarding compensation plans in the direct selling industry. The result: a cutting-edge, global platform that has harnessed the power of technology to share innovative products, training and support.
Today, thousands of people around the world are helping to write our story. Together we are creating a global movement that empowers people to reach their full potential a no matter their age, race, rank or income. Our story is just beginning.
We are Jeunesse. We are Generation Young.
Exclusive Youth-Enhancement Products
Perfectly positioned in a booming sector
Products people are raving about
Dedicated Support
1.Your own personal website
2.Business tools & training
3.Social media resources & your own business app
A Rewarding Lifestyle
1.Time, freedom & financial security
2.Luxury vacation with Lifestyle Rewards
3.Lasting relationships with people all around the world
4.Events & celebrations
5.The chance to give back
At Jeunesse we know the benefits of being an entrepreneur include the freedom to:
IndulgeA in opportunities outside the traditional 9-to-5 job
ExploreA the world beyond our backyard
DiscoverA new memories with loved ones and colleagues
Each year, we reward Jeunesse Distributors who have met certain impressive qualifications through their business building efforts with the chance to experience that freedom on the trip of a lifetime. Held in renowned and exotic destinations, our luxurious Lifestyle Rewards trips feature one-of-a-kind accommodations and a variety of activities to explore the locale with their fellow Distributors and families alike. Amid these activities, guests are exposed to the Jeunesse Lifestyle through unique and exclusive brand and destination experiences.