International Air Cargo Service Provider
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International Air Cargo Service Specialists in International shipping and courier delivery services! With our wide range of express parcel and package services, along with shipping and tracking solutions to fit your needs. Start shipping today! Herea s where you can send a parcel, get express shipping rates, find locations and learn more about shipping with us. Wea re here to support you with our Customs expertise, variety of shipping solutions and wealth of knowledge in international shipping. We ship worldwide. Cargo provides expedited air freight services and international air freight to destinations around the world. Our airport-to-airport service is ideally suited to customers with a high volume of business requiring time-critical delivery. We provide air freight services based on your needs and your schedule. We select the most appropriate carrier for your shipment that we give you a head start over other air freight forwarding companies
Company Details
SKY FLY INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO SERVICES :- +91-9920216805 http://www.skyflyexpress.com/ We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves, SKY FLY s one of India most progressive and innovative Courier & Cargo Services Company. SKY FLY offer Courier & Cargo Services World Wide. Having our SKYFLY SELF SERVICE also Strategic tie-ups with service providers DHL, UPS, & Blue dart. Specialist in DGR & Non-DGR Chemical. Specialist in Commercial shipment for all COUNTRIES. WE DO AIRPORT TO AIRPORT AND DOOR DELIVERY As also an attractive International Tariff Structure, SKY FLY is able to offer air express services to all Global Destinations, matching international service standards. WE ACCEPT ALL TYPES OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL, LIQUID, MEDICINE, PHARMA,POWDER DYES ETC. international courier in mumbai courier for chemical sample courier for liquid hazardous goods haz material dg goods dangerous goods carrier COURIER COURIER IN Mumbai DHL COURIER courier services, international Courier service for Mumbai to Qatar Courier for Haz material Courier for DG Goods International courier for Food item Food stuff courier Food items to usa Food courier to UK House hold courier Utensils international courier Courier service for Mumbai to USA Courier service for Mumbai to Germany Courier service for Mumbai to Newyork Courier service for Mumbai to Canad Courier service for Mumbai to Dubai Courier service for Mumbai to Saudi Courier service for Mumbai to Oman Courier service for Mumbai to Hongkong Courier service for Mumbai to China Courier service for Mumbai to Singapore Courier service for Mumbai to Thailand Courier service for Mumbai to Kenya Courier service for Mumbai to South Africa Courier service for Mumbai to Indonesia Courier service for Mumbai to Nigeria Courier service for Mumbai to Nairobi Courier service for Mumbai to Australia Courier service for Mumbai to Sri Lanka Courier service for Mumbai to Pakistan Courier service for Mumbai to Belgium Courier service for Mumbai to Korea Courier service for Mumbai to Mexico Courier service for Mumbai to Qatar courier services, international Courier service in Mumbai International courier in Mumbai International courier in thane International courier in vashi International courier in andheri International courier in andheri International courier in Borivali International courier in Juhu International courier in Worli International courier in Dadar International courier in For Mumbai International courier in Colaba International courier in Masjid International Courier ion Marine Lines International Courier in Opera House International Courier in Nepensea Road International courier in Sakinaka International courier in Ghatkopar International courier in Chembur International Courier in Goregaon International courier in Malad International courier in Bandra International courier in Santacruz International courier in Vile Parle International courier in Jogeshwari International courier in Dahisar International courier in Mira Road International courier in Mulund International courier in Kurla International courier in Navi Mumbai International courier in Vapi International courier in kalbadevi International courier in International courier in Bhayander International courier in Vasai, International courier in Sakinaka International courier in Andheri MIDC International courier in Link Road International courier in Marol, International courier in chakala International courier in Lkhandwala Complex International courier in Bandra Kurrla ComplexInternational courier in walkeshwar International courier in Versova International courier in Nepeansea Road International courier in Colaba, International courier in kurla, Courier Service to USA from Mumbai for your Urgent Documents Courier Service to USA from Mumbai for your Urgent Parcels Courier Service to USA from Mumbai for your Urgent Materials Courier Service to USA from Mumbai for your Heavy Shipments Pick Up Done All Over Mumbai, Mumbai & Navi Mumbai at Jumbo Discount. Door to Door Service. Express Delivery For your Urgent Documents & Parcel. International Express Service. Express Package Delivery.Chemical Shipments .
ÂA All type of Powder & liquid Form Mmumbai Air Freight Service: Airport To Airport, Door To Door, Etc. Domestic Service : All Over India. Excess Baggage or Unaccompanied Baggage. Competitive rates for documents and parcels. Discount Rates on bulk or heavy shipments. Commercial shipments for all type of Industries.Export and Import through Courier & Cargo. INTERNATIONAL COURIER SERVICES FOR USA, Alabama, Montgomery (AL), Alaska, Juneau Arizona, Phoenix (AZ), Arkansas, Little Rock (AR), California, Sacramento (CA), Colorado, Denver (CO), Connecticut, Hartford (CT), Delaware, Dover (DE),Florida, Tallahassee (FL), Georgia, Atlanta (GA), Hawaii, Honolulu (HI), Idaho, Boise (ID), Illinois, Springfield (IL), Indiana, Indianapolis (IN), Iowa, Des Moines (IA), Kansas, Topeka (KS), Kentucky, Frankfort (KY), Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA), Maine, Augusta (ME), Maryland, Annapolis (MD), Massachusetts, Boston (MA), Michigan, Lansing (MI), Minnesota, St. Paul (MN),Mississippi, Jackson (MS), Missouri, Jefferson City (MO), Montana, Helena (MT),Nebraska, Lincoln (NE),Nevada, Carson City (NV), New Hampshire, Concord (NH), New Jersey, Trenton (NJ), New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM),New York, Albany (NY), North Carolina, Raleigh (NC), North Dakota, Bismarck (ND), Ohio, Columbus (OH), Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK), Oregon, Salem (OR), Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA), Rhode Island, Providence (RI), South Carolina, Columbia (SC), South Dakota, Pierre (SD), Tennessee, Nashville (TN), Texas, Austin (TX), Utah, Salt Lake City (UT), Vermont, Montpelier (VT), Virginia, Richmond (VA), Washington, Olympia (WA), West Virginia, Charleston (WV), Wisconsin, Madison(WI), Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY), Canada Dubai kenya singapore u.k Australia NEW Zealand Japan uae south africa Bangladesh Thailand korea hong kong china indonesia malaysia Taiwan oman iran Saudi Arabia Turkey uganda Qatar jordan Egypt BAHRAIN Tanzania Sri lanka ghana Zambia Nageria Vietnam Phillipines Myanmar Cambodia Brunei pakistan DHL courier ups courier aramex courier sky fly courier skyfly international courier sfl international courier sfl express courier sfl air fright skyfly air fright skyfly cargo services skyfly dg goods corier sky fly haz goods mat services all tipe chemical liquid courier cargo services in mumbai . Sky Fly International Courier & Cargo Services: Send Food Items, Medicines, Garments, Hazardous Chemical , Household Packages and Parcels all over the world. Pickup and Packaging Service available. We deliver happiness across 200 worldwide countries at cheapest rates. Call us for worldwide discounted rate +91-9920216805 /+91-9322867487 Sky Fly International Courier Services in Mumbai, India. We offer International Courier Services to USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, China, Italy, UAE & more than 150 Countries around the World!
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Seller Details
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mr Narpat Singh Rajpurohit
Office No-8,A-Wing, Chamunda Heritage,Behind Jeevan Hospital, Nearby Andheri, Station (D-Mart), Koldongari, Sahar Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400069, India
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