Kemklin -101(Derusting and Descaling Chemical)(Derusting and Descaling Chemical) Product DescriptionKemklin-101 is an inhibited acidic base compound, which is specially formulated for the removal of heavy rust and scales rapidly from ferrous metals by cold dip method. Product Specifications a. Colour Colourless Liquid b. Chemical Composition Blend of different types of acids with inhibitors c. Odour Slightly Pungent d. Foaming Tendency Nil e. Reliability Good f. Handling Avoid Skin Contact g. Solubility Good h. pH Acid Range I. Toxicity Nil j. Flash Point Nil k. Pollution Hazard Moderate Product Operating Data Concentration 33% v/v Temperature Room Time 10:20 minutes Pointage 18-22 ml Product Operating ProcedureFill the tank with of water and add KEMKLIN-101 at concentration 33% v/v, mix it thoroughly and fill the tank to the operating level. It should be used at room temperature, it takes longer time for removing rust and scales. The process can be accelerated at elevated temperature for fast removal of rust and scales. Components should be thoroughly cleaned by degreased prior to the derusting and descaling process. We recommended our kemklin range of such descaling operations. After descaling/derusting operations, rust proffing should be carried out with approximately 1% solution Kemlyte-333 at a room temperature for about 2 to 3 minutes. The parts should be dried out in an oven or blowing at air, prior to painting. If the components are to be stored after derusting operations. We recommend you to protect the surface by rust preventive using our various type of kemseal products. Product Application EquipmentsKemlin-101 tanks should be lead lined, glass fibre, rigid polythene, stainless steel tanks made out of 18 gauge sheets preferred. Steam oil or electric heaters should be of lead or 316 SS. Testing and Control Procedure Pipette out 10 ml. of the bath solution and add 90 ml. of water in it. Shake it wellNow take 10 ml. of this solution in a conical flask. Add 4-6 drops of methyl orange indicator in itTitrate it with N/10 Sodium HydroxideThe colour changes from red to yellowThe burette reading indicates the pointage of the bath solution. Iron ConcentrationPipette out 10 ml. of bath solution, add 10 ml of 50% concentrated sulphuric (H2SO4)acid. Mix it thoroughly, titrate this against N/10 potassium permanganate (KmnO4) solution till the pink colour persist for 15 seconds. % of iron is to be calclated as Burette reading X 0.056. Maximum permissible limit of Irion in Kemklin-101 bath is 7%. Chemical ReplenishmentDuring the use the bath pointage is reduced, it should be replenished by adding. Kemklin-101 chemcial to maintain the specified pointage. The bath should be discarded when additon of chemicals does not show faster derusting action and increase in pointage of the bath solution. Safety MeasuresKemklin-101 is an acidic liquid material, and while handling, proper care should be taken. Protect your eyes and skin by means of goggles, aprons, gloves etc. If it comes in contact with skin and eyes wash thoroughly with a flush of water and get medical advice. General InformationHevy Rust Removal: ExcellentPaint Adhesion: GoodGloss Retention: Good.