The contents on this website is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions about a medical problem, please consult a physician or other authorized health expert. Do not dismiss or postpone getting competent medical advice because of something you read on this website.
Caring for people's hard-earned money, is our Dhar (Madhya Pradesh, India) based company, Mohini Health & Hygiene Limited. There's no tree on whose branches you'll find money instead of leaves, even money plant just promises it's owner, a faint hope of being never short of money. So, it is crucial to use money wisely and spend it in on things, which are of high value. Understanding right usage of money for both ours and clients, we, as a manufacturer bring forth matchless quality of Ear Buds, Cotton Balls etc. Our vast and diverse product line is not limited to aforesaid products but extends to Diagnostic Instruments like Stethoscopes, Digital Blood Pressure Monitors and Rehabilitation Devices such as Walker Without Wheels, Commode Chairs etc. All of our products stand a close chance to win your hearts due to exceptional quality.