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Nutrinity Foundation emerged as firm to build a platform to explore the nutritional potential of peanut and disseminate this potential into the formulation & preparation of a wide variety of food items. The R & D is targeted to make products eco-friendly, versatile to be used in wide range of food items and nutritious for people of all classes and age groups. Scientific research proved that the protein quality of peanut is yet not translated into commercial exploration as up to a desirable level. This is because of the mere consideration of peanut as an oilseed crop in India. This notion neglected the value of peanut protein which goes with the cake after oil extraction to be used as cattle feed because of its processing technology. Nutrinity Foundation brought a radical change in processing to harness protein under more defined physical conditions hygienically. The novel product is suitable to enrich nutritional quality of almost all Indian and continental food recipes.