Polytox S We are specialized in manufacturing and offering our clients a varied range of Polytox S which is widely used for binding most prevalent & harmful mycotoxins present in feed, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothececnes, zearalenones and citrimin. These are known for their strong anti bacterial properties against most common pathogens. Formulated from world class chemicals, these Polytox S don't bind vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Features: Purity Precise composition High effectiveness Longer shelf life Ultimate toxin Prevention ProgrammeGrain infected by mold may contain toxic fungal metabolites called mycotoxins. The presence of mycotoxins in feed grains or ingredients may cause illness or death in livestock.Feed manufacturers who incorporate mycotoxin contaminated grain or feed ingredients in their product may encounter live stock health problems or poor animal performance. Farmers who feed their own contaminated grain to live stock can incur financial loss including poor reproduction, growth suppression and heavy mortality. FUNGI RESPONSIBLE FOR PRODUCING TOXINS AND THEIR HARMFUL EFFECTS AFLOTOXINS (Aspergillus flavus A.parasitieus)SymptumsDiarrhea, bleeding,Poor eggshell qualityPoor sperm qualityReduced calcium concentration OCHRATOXINS(Ochratoxins are produced by several species of aspergillus & pencillium.sp)SymptumsNephritis, damage to digestive organs, decrease blood coagulation capacity, aneuia leucopenia,Exudative diatheses dehydratrion, paralysis, respiratory factor. THICHOTHECENES (Fusarium SP) SymptumsInhibition of D N A and protein synthesis, reduced laying ability, erosion of the moister mucata haemorrhages in stomach mucosa. ZEARALENONES (Fusarium gramimearum)SymptumsDegeneration of the seminal epithelium and spermiogenesis disorders in male while in female prolapse of cloaca and damage to ovary. POLYTOX-S is a new generation toxin binder with anti microbial properties with ultimate combination of organic acids, HSCAS, charcoal, herbal ingredients and monnan oligosaccharides.POLYTOX-S controls the development of fungi and effectively binds and eliminates major mycotoxins, thus safeguarding poultry and consumers health.Benefits Effectively bind most prevalent and harmful mycotoxins present in feed, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothececnes, zearalenones and citrimin. Strong anti bacterial properties against most common pathogens. Does not bind vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Shows anti oxidant properties Protects from liver disorder. Stimulates the immune system. Prevents development of synergetic effect between mycotoxins and pathogens like E.coli, salmonella, etc Increases feed consumption and feed efficiency. Helps to maintain gut health and environment in the presence of mycotoxins. Free from heavy metals and other impurities. No residual effect or withdrawal period is required. Safe, commercial and user friendly. Inclusion Rate500gm / ton of feed up to 14% moisture or 1kg per ton of feed above 14% of moisture in feed ingredients.Shelf LifeTwo years from the date of manufacturing.Pack: 25 kg HDPE BagsStorage: To be stored at temperature below 50o C