The Procedure: Projects need to be approved by the Ministry of Industry or any other concerned Administrative ministry to be eligible under the scheme. After this they need to be registered with customs where most of the imports are to take place, along with the import license if applicable. Cash security along with Bank Guarantee/Bond needs to be submitted, which gets redeemed after completion of imports. EPCG if availed along with Project Import needs to be taken from the DGFT office. What We Do We can assist you in complete planning, documentation, application preparations, representation and coordination with the Ministry of Industry or the concerned Government Departments till you finally get the approval. Upon receipt of approval we can assist in getting the same registered with the relevant customs house. Upon completion of Import we can assist in redemption of the Bonds/BG given at the customs. In addition if EPCG is also envisaged we can assist in getting the same issued from DGFT office. We also undertake the turnkey jobs of a particular project in association with our associates. This may include logistics, customs clearances, licensing, approvals Duty benefit schemes like EPCG and related requirements. This helps the client in interacting with only one agency, and a much better planning, documentation sequencing and utilization of benefits, and helps in substantial cost reductions.