PRODUCT DATA SHEET Product Name: Tansy Treat PU Glass Coat Clear Glossy Description High performance Acrylic Poly-ol based ,Aromatic isocyanide cured P.U Clear, intended for use as top coat transparent coating with excellent chemical and water resistance. Recommended use This product is intended for use as a top coat for application direct on glass to provide excellent hardness&chemical resistance coating. It is recommended as Topcoat for providing better durability, excellent gloss and colour retention , good stain and chemical resistance along with good hardness and flexibility . Advantages Acceptable for use in OEM and General Industry.Excellent chemical & water resistance .Temperature resistance up to 80oC.Drying: Air dryForced drying: 80oC / 30 min. Typical Properties Property Value Colour Water white clear Supply viscosity with B-4 Cup @30oC 60+5 sec % Solids 46+2 Specific Gravity 0.98+0.03 Mix Ratio by Volume 4 : 1 Pot Life >3 hrs @30oC %Thinner intake 35 - 40 % Coverage 12-14 sq.m / litre @ 30-35 microns (Theoretical) Cure Time 80oC/30 min. Shelf Life @ 30oC 1 year. Recoat Time 24 hrs or after forced drying. Temperature Resistance 80oC Gloss > 90 units at 60o Flexibility Good Chemical resistance Good Cured Hardness (Pencil) 2H Surface Preparation The surface should be clean, dry and free from oil, grease, dirt,& other foreign contamination. The surface should be assessed and treated in accordance with ISO 8504. Application Instructions Mix Part-A & Part -B in recommended ratio in clean container and mix for 2-3 min.Dilute above solution with Compatible Thinner. Set application viscosity 18-22sec. Filter with fine filter cloth (600 mesh size)Ensure the surface is free from foreign contaminations.Set air pressure at 40-50 psiSpray to obtain a DFT of 30 - 35 micronsAir dry / force dry in dust free zone. Storage : Store containers in a dry, cool, well ventilated space and away from source of heat and fire. Loose containers must be kept tightly closed. Packing : 1.0 ltr, 4.0 ltr and 20 ltr.