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Sodium Hypochlorite - 3-8% Concentration Solution | Effective Disinfectant, Bleaching Agent, Odor Eliminator, Stain Remover

Sodium Hypochlorite - 3-8% Concentration Solution | Effective Disinfectant, Bleaching Agent, Odor Eliminator, Stain Remover


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we are able to supplied an sodium hypochlorite in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical compound with the formula NaClO. It is composed of a sodium cation (Na+) and a hypochlorite anion (ClOa ); it may also be viewed as the sodium salt of hypochlorous acid. When dissolved in water it is commonly known as bleach or liquid bleach. Sodium hypochlorite is practically and chemically distinct from chlorine. Sodium hypochlorite is frequently used as a disinfectant or a bleaching agent. The mixture of sodium peroxide (Na2O2) and hydrochloric acid, which react to produce sodium hypochlorite is also termed as oxone.

* Household bleach is, in general, a solution containing 3a 8% sodium hypochlorite, by weight, and 0.01a 0.05% sodium hydroxide; the sodium hydroxide is used to slow the decomposition of sodium hypochlorite into sodium chloride and sodium chlorate.

* Sodium hypochlorite has destaining properties. Among other applications, it can be used to remove mold stains, dental stains caused by fluorosis, and stains on crockery, especially those caused by the tannins in tea. It has also been used in laundry detergents and as a surface cleaner. Its bleaching, cleaning, deodorizing and caustic effects are due to oxidation and hydrolysis (saponification).

Company Details

Our range of chemicals is reliable and cost effective to treat water. Our products are widely used in industrial as well as commercial applications. Hard work and untiring efforts of our team of professionals have enabled us to cater bulk and urgent requirements of various industries. Our professionals make full use of available resources in an efficient manner. Further, we are enables us to offer products as per the changing needs of clients. We have gained lot of appreciation from our clients due to streamlined business operations and our commitment towards quality. We are continuously progressing under the proficient guidance of our team of experienced, qualified and talented experts. Due to their in-depth knowledge and rich industry experience, we have secured huge base of clients. Some of our major clients are from Chemical, Pharma, Automotive, Sugar & IT industries & some of the clients are from food & feed industries, Poultry farms & agrochemical dealers etc. Our commercial & social welfare supply to the villages to Water Health India. Our range of chemicals is reliable and cost effective to treat water. Our products are widely used in industrial as well as commercial applications. Hard work and untiring efforts of our team of professionals have enabled us to cater bulk and urgent requirements of various industries. Our professionals make full use of available resources in an efficient manner. Further, we are enables us to offer products as per the changing needs of clients. We have gained lot of appreciation from our clients due to streamlined business operations and our commitment towards quality. Some of our major clients are from Chemical, Pharma, Automotive, Sugar & IT industries & some of the clients are from food & feed industries, Poultry farms & agrochemical dealers etc. Our commercial & social welfare supply to the villages to Water Health India. Raw Water / Waste Water Treatment Chemicals are precisely processed for purifying drinking water, industrial waste water and production waste water and making it worth usable in different applications. These chemicals are formulated by making use of precise quantity of components having precise pH value in conformation with the industrial quality standards. We offer a wide array of chemicals to our clients considering their water treatment requirements. We are dealing with Waste Water Treatment chemicals which consists of: Deoiling Polyelectrolyte (DOPE), Organic Coagulants capable of reducing sludge substantially, Flocculants / Settling Aids for clarifiers & clariflocculators, Dewatering Aids for centrifuges & decanters Features: Accurate pH value, High efficacy, Precise composition, High water solubility, Excellent thickening effect, Fine water treatment effect at high & low temperature, Supreme chemical adaptability Applications: purifying industrial waste water, disinfect production waste water, Sanitizing drinking water Cooling Water Treatment And Seawater Desalination Chemicals are specifically processed for the purification of lake water, river water and sea water by removing salt and other unwanted substances from it. These chemicals are formulated as per the industrial quality norms by utilizing the exact quantity of components which have precise pH value. To cater the needs of our wide client base, we offer a wide range of chemicals containing different agents and inhibitors. We are dealing with Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals which consists of: Scale Inhibitors/ Dispersing Agents/ Deposit Control Agents, Corrosion Inhibitors, Biocides / Biodispersants, Flocculating Agents, Defoaming Agents

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GST - 27ASNPM5312Q1Z3

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Pune, Maharashtra

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Mr Sudhakar Jadhav


Shop No. 6, Sr. No. 175, Saswad Road, Opposite To BPCL Petrol Pump, Bhekrai Nagar, Phursungi, Pune, Maharashtra, 412307, India

sodium hypochlorite in Pune

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3430 Liter/Liters

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Bleaching agent


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