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Solar Water Heating Systems - Flat Plate Collectors, Highly Insulated Storage Tank, Energy Efficient & Eco-friendly Hot Water Solution For Residential And Commercial Use

Solar Water Heating Systems - Flat Plate Collectors, Highly Insulated Storage Tank, Energy Efficient & Eco-friendly Hot Water Solution For Residential And Commercial Use


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Product Overview

Key Features

The Solar Water Heating Systems work on green house effect & thermosyphone principle. These have a solar water heater which heat the water by through the solar radiation which consist of a flat plat collector & highly capacious insulated storage tank. After heating of water through solar radiation hot water is stored in insulated Hot Water Storage Tank from which we can use hot water as per requirements. These are highly efficient Solar Water Heating Systems generate power at minimal price in comparison to the non-renewable sources of energy. Furthermore, these are completely environmental friendly and can prevent emission and applicable in residents, bungalows, hospitals, offices, hotels, hostels etc.

Company Details

RITUDHAN SOLAR POWER is the great visionary of Mr. Dhaneshkumar B Patel (Huge experience of 24 years in solar field) established in the year of 2011-12. It was started with goal to enhance the idea of renewable energy in Gujarat state and India. After independence it was realized that the country was facing severe power shortage. This organization was established with an aim to overcome this shortage by rending services and marketing the availability of Renewable Energy Sources (Solar Power) in most rural parts of the state. The organizations is aiming at enlightening each and every house in remote villages, facing power problems, with the eternal source of energy The SUN through availability in all and provide sophisticated services with generation of employment. After 74 years of independence also there are so many hamlets in our country are still remain un-electrified. And the people residing there cannot afford electricity bill and line connection charges. The problem can be solved using solar products. Now a days ecological imbalance is posing a big challenge forth us. To overcome this calamity and challenge to our existence we should switch over from conventional energy sources to non-conventional energy sources such as solar products. To the best of our knowledge solar energy, the most easily and abundantly available energy, is the best permanent solution to this grave problem.

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Manufacturer, Service Provider, Supplier, Wholesaler, Retailer, Fabricator

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Monday To Sunday



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Cash in Advance (CID)

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Vadodara, Gujarat

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Mr Dhaneshkumar Baldevbhai Patel


4/A, Milan Industrial Estate, Opp. Deep Multiplex (PVR Cinema), Near Chhani Jakatnaka, Vadodara, Gujarat, 390024, India

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