Spykar White Wrist Watch For Promotional Gift
Price: 2290 INR / Piece
Product Type | Wristwatch |
Gender | Men |
Shape | Round |
Color | White |
Color Of Band | Black |
Product Overview
Key Features
Premium Quality Leather Lite Belt
Solid Metal Case with Matt Finish
Exclusive Tin Gift Box Packing
Water Resistance
Modern and Stylish Design
High-Quality Craftsmanship
White Color for A Fresh Look
Durable and Reliable Timepiece
Ideal for Promotional Gifts
Versatile for Everyday Wear
Comes in A Sleek Package
Product Specifications
Product Type | Wristwatch |
Gender | Men |
Shape | Round |
Color | White |
Color Of Band | Black |
Payment Terms | Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) |
Delivery Time | 1 Week |
Packaging Details | Carton Box |
Main Domestic Market | Maharashtra |
Company Details
1- Basic Info Dr Mohit R Gupta is Founder Director of Polo Gifts Creations Pvt Ltd. He is Third generation representing Business which was seeded by his Grandfather since 1936. 2- Operations in the org. Polo Gifts Creations Pvt. Ltd. has Head office in Mumbai and has representatives/Channel partner network spread throughout India. .Our ISO Certified Company have In house Design team which develops/designs Exclusive products as per our clientÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ¢ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA s requirement/Logo/Theme. Hence the products we offer are not available in open Market as they are exclusively Developed/customized as per clientÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ¢ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA s requirement/Budget/Theme. We go to Various National & International Brands and Get Exclusive SKUÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ¢ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA S developed in Bulk which. Since our Buying is Bulk we get very good Discounts which we pass on to our Customers and Channel Partners all Indian. We have Limited Edition Certified Lithographs of Famous Painter M F Hsusain on Various Subjects like Horses, British Raj, Iqbal, and Mother Teresa...Etc. We also Have Limited Edition Certified Gifts of another Famous Painter S H Raza in which we have recreated his Famous Painting on Clocks, Paper Weights and Coffee Mugs. These are manufactured with Rights Purchased from London Based Co. We also have Limited Edition Certified Lithographs of N S BendreÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ¢ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA s Painting which is titled as unknown Landscape made in 1940 and that painting is expected to be sold around Rs 90 Lakhs. We have products in which we have reproduced Paintings made by those artist who does not have Hand and Do Paintings with their mouth OR Foot OR both. We also have Limited Edition Prints of Raja Ravi Verma Certified by Certified by Ramavarma Thampuran, Kilimanoor Palace. We have recently Bought Licensing rights for Asia for Windsor London Brand which was seeded in 9th Century. We offer door step extended Warranty to our customers and Have customer support system with turnaround time of 24 working hours maximum. We also Exchange Slow moving / Excess Inventory from companies against products and services we offer. 3- History of the org. As mentioned above Polo Gifts Creations Pvt. Ltd. is one of the oldest Gifting & sales promotions business. 4- Media Interests Polo Gifts Creations Pvt Ltd is interested in Print as well as Social Media 5- Industry associations Polo Gifts Creations Pvt Ltd Company is Already Part of CGAI. Global Networking ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ¢ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA ÃA ÂA Barter Company is interested in getting associated with Multinational as well as domestic Companies which require Corporate Gifting & Sales promotional Products
Business Type
Supplier, Trading Company
Employee Count
Working Days
Monday To Saturday
Seller Details
Polo Gifts Creations Pvt. Ltd.
Mr Mohit Gupta
Office no 3, Vihan Commercial Complex, Valbhat Road, CTC no 545, Near Jawahar Phatak, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400063, India
wrist watch in MumbaiReport incorrect details
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