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Vibrating Machine By Tamilnadu Engineering Instruments

Vibrating Machine By Tamilnadu Engineering Instruments

Price: 23000.00 INR

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Product Specifications

Voltage230 Watt (w)
Capacity50 Kg/hr
Warranty1 Year
Delivery Time2 Week
Main Domestic MarketAll India
Stock Quantity10
Unit TypePiece/Pieces
Product Unit5 Piece/Pieces
Brand NameTEI
Price Typefixed
Price23000.00 INR (Approx.)
Minimum Order Quantity5
Minimum Ordered Packs5

Product Overview

Key Features

We make, distribute and supply of Mortar Cube Vibrating Machines in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Also called mould vibrator or mortar cube vibrator Concrete moulds are easily cast by using a tamping bar or a vibrating table. However air trapped in cement mortar paste can not be thus removed while casting cement mortar moulds. Easy method is to impart greater vibration of lesser amplitude to the mould while casting. This is achieved in a vibrating machine. Vibration machine is used for the preparation of mortar cubes for the determination of compression strength of ordinary and rapid hardening portland cement, low heat portland cement, portland bleast furnace cement and high alumina cements.
Salient Features
Specifications : The machine consists of a vibrating frame assembly and an electric motor mounted on a sturdy base. The complete frame assembly consists of a vice to hold a 7.06cm cube mould and two studs threaded at top and a hopper to feed the sample in the mould. This assembly is supported on four springs and has an in built rotating shaft which rotates eccentrically and thus imparts vibrations to the entire frame. A balance weight is an integral bottom part of the frame. The centre of gravity of the assembly is brought to the centre of the eccentric shaft or within a distance of 25mm below it.
The electric motor drives the shaft of the frame and thus imparts required vibrations to the mould.

Company Details

Manufacturer & Supplier of Drawing Instruments, Soil Testing Equipment, Concrete Testing Equipment, Survey Instruments, Material Testing Equipment, Mineral Testing Equipment, QC Material, Leveling Instruments, Auto Level, Dumpy Level, Theodolite, Total Station, Hot Air Oven, Cube Mould, Beam Mould, Air Entrainment Meter, Compression testing Machine, Slump Cone, Weighing Balance, Rebound Hammer, Sand Pouring Cylinder, Core Cutter, Viscometer, Flash and Fire Point Apparatus, Permeability Test Apparatus, Sieve Shaker, Proctor Compaction Apparatus, Vee Bee Consistometer, Liquid Limit Apparatus, Plastic Limit Apparatus, Hot Plate, Shrinkage Limit Apparatus, Flow Table Test Apparatus, Direct Shear Test Apparatus, CBR Apparatus, CBR Mould, Curing Tank, Vibrating Table, Cube Vibrating Machine, Distance Meter, GPS, Mechanical Laboratory Equipment, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Thermal Laboratory Equipment, Heat Transfer Laboratory Equipment, Metrology Laboratory Equipment, Metallurgy Laboratory Equipment, Mechatronics Laboratory Equipment, Drawing Instruments, Soil Mechanics Laboratory Equipment, Environment Engineering Laboratory Equipment, Bitumen Testing Equipment, Aggregate Testing Equipment, Asphalt Testing Equipment, Milling Tool Dynamometer, Lathe Tool Dynamometer, Tool Maker Microscope, Metallurgy Microscope

Business Type

Exporter, Manufacturer, Service Provider, Distributor, Supplier, Trading Company, Wholesaler, Retailer, Dealer, Fabricator, Producer

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Working Days

Monday To Sunday



Payment Mode

Cash Against Delivery (CAD), Cash on Delivery (COD), Cash Advance (CA), Cash in Advance (CID), Cheque

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GST - 33AYHPP7230N1Z2

4 RatingRating

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Sales Manager

Mr Manikandan Selvam

Members since

9 Years


New No:243/2, Old No:203/2, Periyar Paathai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600094, India

Industrial Vibrator in Chennai

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23000 INR

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Main Domestic Market

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2 Week

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Mild Steel