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Vibroscreen Sorters

Vibroscreen Sorters


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Product Overview

Key Features

The top weight on the motor shaft rotates in plane close to the center of the mass of assembly. Rotation of the top eccentric weight creates vibration in the horizontal plane which causes material to move across the screen cloth to the periphery. Increasing the top eccentric mass increases the horizontal throw causing over size material to be discharged at a faster rate.

The bottom eccentric weight rotates below the center of the vibrating mass creating tilt on the screen causing vibration in vertical & tangential planes. Increasing the vertical component of this motion promotes turnover of material on the screen surface helping maximum quantity of undersize material to pass through the screen. The effective vertical motion helps in minimizing blinding of screen by near size particles.

The tangential component of this motion is controlled by the angle of lead given to bottom weights in relation to the top weight.

Variation in lead angle controls the spiral pattern of material travel over the screen cloth. Typical material travel patterns generated at various lead angles are shown below :

The material is fed on to the centre of top screen. The undersize material passes rapidly through the screen during its travel to the periphery. The oversize material gets continuously discharged through a tangential outlet. Vibroscreens are equipped to handle upto five different screens one on the top of the other with feed trays in between to give six precise sized fractions in single screening operation.

Salient Features & Advantages:

Greater Capacity More Accurate Screening : Vibroscreen gives greater capacity per meter square of screening area and oversize material is discharged with relatively much less percentage of fines than other screening machines.Longer Screen Life : Screen cloth is held in uniform tension on specially designed mesh frames. The drum tight screening surface vibrates rigidly without flexing of wires, greatly reducing screen wear and increasing screen life.Less Space Required : For equivalent capacity, Vibroscreen requires less space than other screening systems. Compact units can fit into existing production lines.Minimum Blinding : Vibroscreen multi plane action limits screen blinding to an acceptable minimum. However for material having inherent blinding characteristics, Vibroscreen offers anti-blinding accessories to eliminate blinding.No Transmitted Vibration : No special flooring or foundation is required. The Vibroscreen may be placed wherever it is needed, like on top of bins, on wooden or upper floors or light structures.Note:-Due to a continuous process of development the design is subject to change without notice.

Company Details

T & I GLOBAL LIMITED (TIGL) is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Tea Processing Machinery with the expertise to supply Customised processing equipment for CTC, Orthodox & Green Tea. The company is a family-run business and was established in 1949 by the industrious Bagaria family hailing from Assam, India. Over the years, the group has launched many innovative products and value additions for the tea industry, as well as Customized Drying Solutions for the food and chemical industries. Today its reputation and goodwill has taken the company to all Tea producing countries around the world. TIGL has two full fledged manufacturing facilities in India - at Kolkata the capital city of West Bengal, and at Coimbatore, the industrial city of Tamil Nadu. Sales and service are facilitated through domestic offices in Coimbatore, Kolkata, Coonor ( Nilgiris), Siliguri (North Bengal) and Tinsukia (Assam), and overseas offices in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Nairobi, Kenya, and Hanoi, Vietnam. A technical team of over 50 experienced engineers is deployed through these offices to ensure prompt deliveries and commissioning. In addition to these facilities, the company's R & D unit and Pilot Laboratory at Coimbatore are consistently involved in product development and innovation. TIGL is a Government recognised export house, with a global market share in excess of 40%, commanding an enviable export market in Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma, Australia, Indonesia, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Brazil, Columbia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Its domestic market includes blue-chip companies like Tata Tea, Williamson Magor, Harrisons Malayalam Limited, Warren Tea, KDHP, Parry Agro and Goodricke Tea, etc.

Business Type

Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier



Working Days

Monday To Sunday



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GST - 19AAACT8460G1Z4

5 RatingRating

Kolkata, West Bengal

Executive Chairman

Mr. Sajjan Bagaria


11, Jassal House, 4-A, Auckland Square, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700017, India

tea processing machinery in Kolkata

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