Water Reducing SuperplasticizerKR NP 10 is high range Water Reducing Superplasticizer. It may be added to the job site or at the ready mix concrete plant. It is chlorides free, and is recommended for prestressed concrete. Also, it is very compatible with water proofing agent, air entraining agents and various other admixtures; however, each material should be mixed to the concrete separately. PRIMARY APPLICATION High performance concrete Paver /Block Industries,Heavily reinforced concrete Flatwork and mass concreteLow water /cement ratio concrete High slump, flowable concrete FEATURES/BENEFITSProduces low water content and low water /cement ratio concrete allowing higher strengths Produces flowing concrete with better than normal strengths Aids in concrete placement and reduces labor cost When used in precast, produce the high early strengthsSPECIFICATIONS/COMPLIANCE Fully complies with the requirements of ASTM C-494, Type A & F admixtures. Confirming to IS 9103.PACKAGING KR NP 10 in 100-250 kg.Shelf life : 1 year in original, unopened packages. Concrete treated with KR NP 10 retains its plastic consistency for 30 to 60 minutes after dosing depending on the initial/final slumps and dosage rates. KR NP 10 can be added at the ready mix plant or at the job site from field dispensers. Use KR NP 10 When placing concrete in hot weather >35 C.Typical Slump Loss at 70 F (21 C) Initial Slump Collapse Slump after 30 min. 150-160 mm Slump after 60 min. 120-140 mm. Slump after 120 min. 70-100 mm (Product performances depend on actual site condition and differ from site to site. Need to conduct site trials to fix up the actual dosages.)Appearance: - KR NP 10 is a dark brown, free flowing liquid When added to concrete, does not Change theConcrete's natural appearance.DIRECTIONS FOR USEKR NP 10 adds to the sand and water .it should not come into contact with dry cement. High strength ConcreteDosage-Add all concrete materials in the proper order into the mixer with about 70% of the mixing water and mix 1-2 minutes. Add additional water carefully to obtain the required slump and mix for three (3) Use KR NP 10 at the rate of 0.4 -1.2%by weight of cement and at extremely high temperature dosages can be increase up to 2.2%. even with low water/cement ratio.Placeable Concrete Add all concrete material in the proper Order into the mixer and mix 2-3 minutes for to get required slump. Add KR NP 10 and mix an additional One minute. Flowable concreteAdd all concrete material in the proper Order into the mixer and mix 2-3minutes. Add KR NP 10 and mix an additional two minutes. For flowable concrete and high slump concrete dosage can be use up to 1.2% -1.5% by weight of cement.Placement Concrete treated with KR NP 10 maybe placed in the fashion as conventional concrete.FormworkForms for walls or narrow sections must be water tight, strong and have good bracing. During the "flowing period", when the concrete is at a slump of 7" to 9" (178- 220 mm)the concrete will exert a higher pressure at the base of the form then conventionalConcrete formwork for slabs is the same as for conventional concrete. Curing & sealing proper curing procedures are important to ensure the durability and quality of concrete .to prevent surface cracking cure with a high solids curing compound.CHEMICAL SPECIFICATION/LIMITSProduct Colour : Dark Brown.Product pH: 7 - 8.Product Specific Gravity: 1.2 -/+0.02.Dry Material/Solid content: 40 -/+3%.Chlorides Content : NIL.Sulphate Content : NIL.Air Entertainer : < 0.05%. PRECAUTIONS /LIMITATIONS Care should be taken to maintain KR NP 10 above freezing, however, freezing and subsequent thawing will not harm the material if thoroughly agitated. Never agitate with air or an air lance.Test batches/mix designs /sample slabs may be required due to variations in local cement and aggregates.KR NP 10 is used in many different mix designs. The engineering or Technical services Departments of should be consulted whenever a question on usage or compability with other admixtures is raised.