Product Overview
Key Features
With the help of our experts, we are Service Provider of Web Maintenance Services in Rajkot, Gujarat, India. You may require update information in your existing website, like new products or services you introduced recently or branches or new contact information to be added in your website, we do maintenance works on existing website to update information. We also do technology adaptations in your website which is possible to bring in more interactivity and dynamic abilities. If you want to have a successful web presence and make sure your website achieves its prime goals and objectives, it is important that you maintain it well and keep it up to date. Only if you keep it updated, will your visitors keep coming back.
My Self Sanjay Togadiya Founder of RK Infotech / Conduct Exam Technologies LLP / Pixibit Design Studio. I have 10+ years experiences into IT/Software Development Services.
We are dealing into Mobile application, Education ERP, E-Commerce ERP, Business ERP, Custom ERP/Solution, Graphics, SEO etc.
We have product of Online/Offline Exam Software, Sales CRM, Product Portfolio, Matrimonial website to ready to us.
Recently we have serve to Indian based largest Car accessories company Rogor Motors, and other companies Like Gionee, DEN, AO Smith, etc. Still now we have serve more than 300+ client services.
I am looking for that if you have any requirement regarding to our services.
Thanks Again Sanjay Togadiya, Software and ERP Development
whatsapp:+91 95372 30173 / Skype: rkinfotech.bdm / stogadiya / /