Q. What is the market size of automatic book-binding machines?


A growing population results in an increase in the number of people who read, which has a favorable effect on the market for book-binding machines and is contributing to the industry's larger-than-usual size. A significant number of readers have shown a preference for the hard copy version of books for reading purposes. The growth in the proportion of young people in the population has resulted in an expansion in the number of educational institutions; as a consequence, there has been an increase in the volume of binding work. Another factor that is contributing to the expansion of the bookbinding machines market is the rising amount of research projects and thesis work being completed at educational and research institutions.The increase in the proportion of the population that is employed is leading to an expansion in the number of workplaces, which is an encouraging indication for the market for bookbinding machines. In recent years, manufacturers have been working to build book-binding machines that are capable of providing anywhere from two to three distinct forms of binding. The availability of electronic books, as well as the growing trend of using computers and laptops rather than notebooks and papers for a variety of professional purposes, is a factor that is acting to constrain the market for book-binding machines. The e-books that users have access to our intangible assets; hence, the growing popularity of e-books will cause disruption in the market for book-binding machines.


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