Q. Which is the difference between polyester or nylon rope?


Both polyester and nylon are not naturally occurring materials, and scientists have chemically formulated them for specific purpose. Both these materials are very strong, and find application in myriad areas such as industry, shipping etc. Nylon is more malleable. Nylon rope, which has a higher stretch resistance than polyester, may be used if you require a little more "give." This implies that a nylon rope may be stretched out as necessary and will still shrink back to its original size after the task is completed. Nylon's elasticity, for instance, comes in helpful for tasks like anchor lines where you need a little "give." Nylon is resistant to shock. While both nylon and polyester are sturdy synthetic ropes, nylon performs better in shock applications. Nylon can take high amounts of stress and yet retain its strength because of its flexibility.


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