Product DescriptionAvail from us, a qualitative range of 10mm trimmer potentiometer. \015\012\015\012Key Specifications/Special Features:\015\012Total resistance: 100 to 5M\316\251\015\012Total resistance tolerance: \302\261 10%,\302\261 20%, \302\26130%\015\012Resistance taper: ABC\015\012Maximum operation voltage:
How many trimmer potentiometer products are available in San-Chung?
Where can I find trimmer potentiometer nearby San-Chung?
What are some related categories to trimmer potentiometer in San-Chung?
Can I trust the San-Chung Based Trimmer Potentiometer suppliers listed on Tradeindia?
How many San-Chung based Trimmer Potentiometer manufacturers are there?
What is the delivery time for trimmer potentiometer in San-Chung?
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