The Watech Asia Exhibition and Conference

Tue, February 12, 2013 - Thu, February 14, 2013


Exhibition Center, NSE Complex, Mumbai, India

Trade Show


About Exhibition

The Watech Asia Exhibition and Conference Of all the water available on the Earth. The Watech Asia Exhibition and Conference to be held on 12-14 Feb 2013. It is on Advanced Irrigation Systems, Advanced Water Solutions, Desalination, Leakage Control, Mobile Desalination Units, Monitoring & Measurement Devices, Monitoring and Analyzing Water and Pollution, Waste Water Treatment, Water & Environmental R&D, Water & Waste water Projects, Water Management & Flow Control, Water Quality & Water Treatment, Water Saving Devices, Water Security, Environmental Technologies, Air Pollution Monitoring, Control And Prevention, Ecological Agriculture, Environmental Education, Green Building, Noise Monitoring, Control and Prevention, Sustainability and Sustainable Development, Treatment and Management of Hazardous Materials, Waste Recycling and Recovery Methods, Waste Separation and Treatment, Waste water Treatment, Purification and Reclamation, Renewable Energies, Electrical Vehicles, Energy Conservation, Insulation, Solar Energy, Thermal Energy, Wind Energy

Exhibitor Product Profile

Advanced Irrigation Systems, Advanced Water Solutions, Desalination, Leakage Control, Mobile Desalination Units, Monitoring & Measurement Devices, Monitoring and Analyzing Water and Pollution, Waste Water Treatment, Water & Environmental R&D, Water & Waste water Projects, Water Management & Flow Control, Water Quality & Water Treatment, Water Saving Devices, Water Security, Environmental Technologies, Air Pollution Monitoring, Control And Prevention, Ecological Agriculture, Environmental Education, Green Building, Noise Monitoring, Control and Prevention, Sustainability and Sustainable Development, Treatment and Management of Hazardous Materials, Waste Recycling and Recovery Methods, Waste Separation and Treatment, Waste water Treatment, Purification and Reclamation, Renewable Energies, Electrical Vehicles, Energy Conservation, Insulation, Solar Energy, Thermal Energy, Wind Energy

Visitor Profile

206, 2nd Floor, Harmony Icon, Near Baghban Party Plot, Thaltej Hebatpur Road, Thaltej,

Venue Map & Directions

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